CSR News
22 March 2022

With GREEN HEART and the diligence of bees for a greener future - the Hungarian Banking Association's GREEN HEART week has started.
KELER has joined the GOOD DEED Bank GREEN HEARTsustainability programme of the Hungarian Banking Association with a financial support of HUF 1 million. In the framework of the programme, a total of 120,000 tree saplings were planted in 17 different locations across Hungary with the involvement of 22 supporting financial institutions.
One of the major joint projects of the GREEN HEART programme is the planting of a nearly 4-hectare acacia beehive forest, known as the Golden Hive, which provides the nutritional needs of the honeybee and many other insect species.
As a sponsor of the GREEN HEARTProgramme, KELER Ltd, as the bearer of the GOOD DEED Bank GREEN HEART logo, also keeps the green future of society in mind, and is a committed supporter and initiator of forest saving, tree planting and other environmentally conscious programmes, thus KELER participated in the Green Heart webinar event, which addressed government and market players.

2022- Change perspective!
We are extremely proud that CEO of KELER CCP, Ms Babett Pavlics, joined the special Hungarian Business Leaders Forum International Women’s Day initiative for 2022 in order to support equal treatment.

„As a female leader it is not simply a task, it is a calling to support each and every initiative that serves as an example, opens doors, and allows women to concurrently engage in their professional and private lives; or better yet, in a mutually reinforcing fashion. In a quote by Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of the 20th century, he famously said that the only reason for his success was that he only competed with 50% of society. He meant what I, as an employer, also see reflected in several examples. On many occasions, excluding women from career opportunities and positions of responsibility with decision-making powers is a great loss for employers, or even society as a whole. Currently, the number of women within KELER CCP management is overrepresented. Our goal is to implement as many initiatives as possible that support flexible work and focus on performance and results, together with successful self-accomplishment in private life and being a woman.”
2021 - KELER has supported organisations in need to address two of the biggest challenges of our time.
István Regőczi Foundation for the orphans of COVID
KELER donated HUF 1 million to the István Regőczi Foundation for COVID Orphans. The aim of the foundation is to help more than 1,000 children and adolescents who were orphaned or half-orphaned during the epidemic to continue their lives.
Gyulaj Forestry and Hunting Ltd.
KELER supported the reforestation programme of Gyulaj Forestry and Hunting Ltd. in the amount of HUF 1 million within the framework of the sectoral green cooperation project, joining the CHARITY BANK green programme series organised by the Hungarian Banking Association.
2019 - KELER Group closed the year with fundraising
The traditional Advent fundraiser was organized in 2019 for the residents of the Seniors' and Disabled Home of Bélapátfalvi. The employees donated durable food, hygiene products and gifts to the residents of the home, which we had been collecting at the company since November and was delivered personally before Christmas.
2018 - Advent fundraising at KELER Group
Christmas fundraising is already a tradition at the KELER Group, as it is important for our employees to help those live in disadvantaged circumstances. In 2018, we organized a fundraiser for the residents of the Saint Francis of Deva Foundation in the Children's Home of Szászváros and donations (durable food, personal care products, gift packages) were personally delivered to the residents of the home.
2015 - It is more blessed to give than to receive - Volunteer fundraising days
Similar to last year, in 2015 we organized volunteer fundraising days for the residents of the Csibész Foundation Children's Home in Csíkszereda. We donated nearly twice as many gifts and clothes as we did last year, reflecting our colleagues' commitment to the cause.
2014 – Fundraising for the Csibész Children’s Home in Csíkszereda
The KELER Group organized fundraising from 10 until 14 March 2014 for the residents of the Csibész Children’s Home in Csíkszereda, as the Hungarian speaking children of the Csibész Foundation Children’s Home live in disadvantaged circumstances. They have to cope with the lack of family and are short of basic school materials, clothes, shoes, therefore KELER Group employees organized fundraising for the children. In a short time a lorry-load of clothes, shoes, toys and school materials were donated and personal care products were bought with the funds raised. KELER Group employees would like to start a tradition with these fundraising days and wish to support the residents of the children’s home in the future also.
2012 – Ablakon Bedobott Pénz (How To Avoid Waste) Program
KELER Ltd. follows green office principles to promote the formation of ’green’ and user-friendly premises. We are lucky as both management and staff embraced the idea of green office from the very beginning and the Green Office Competition organized by KÖVET Association that we entered in 2010 was a great help in becoming increasingly environmental friendly. Since 2010 the Green Office Program was established at KELER Ltd. and we adopted a number of creative green ideas and practices from fellow companies participating in this Competition and from the Green Office Manual of KÖVET. A further positive element of the Green Office Program is that employees „take home” green ideas and make their families more environmentally conscious.
In 2012 KELER Ltd. joined the KÖVET Ablakon Bedobott Pénz (How To Avoid Waste) Program as one of our future objectives is to identify more and more environmental solutions with economic benefits to demonstrate that environmentalism not only takes but also makes money.
2010 – Flood protection in Ónod
2008 – Renovation of the nursery school garden in Kiskőrös
2009 – Renovation of the Velence children’s camp garden